Barack Obama
Former President Barack Obama represents a complicated figure in Muslim and Black American communities. In 2007, Obama campaigned for the U.S. presidency on a platform of change. As the first Black president of the United States, hopes were high for many minorities that race relations would improve during his term. Almost immediately after his election, there was a boost to America’s global image following the Bush administration and its imperial entanglements in the Middle East. Throughout all of Obama’s accomplishments, one of the key moments in his tenure remains a speech that he delivered to the “Muslim world" in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th, 2009.
In this speech, Obama addressed many of the crucial problems that were currently affecting the relationship between the United States and Muslims communities around the world. Acknowledging the differences and similarities between the U.S. and Muslim majority countries, Obama encouraged all Muslims and Americans to focus on common ground. He placed emphasis on the need for unity in order to change common stereotypes used to debase each other, calling for action from all parties.
Obama also discussed issues pertaining to Muslims involved in the Arab-Israeli conflict, pledging to attempt diplomatic negotiations between Israel and Palestine in hopes of reaching peaceful agreement between the two. However, the exact definition of “peaceful” remains under question: Obama favored the Israeli government by providing military aid and supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against all “threats,” which has generally led to the continued oppression and murder of innocent Palestinians. During his two terms as president, Obama had the power to aid in the Arab-Israeli conflict by using the United States economic, military, and political influences as leverage but failed to do so. In fear of ruining the U.S.-Israeli relationship, Obama made almost no progress in finding a solution, and demonstrated his favoritism for Israel by not interfering. This clear lack of effort to aid Muslims overseas despite previous promises is linked to how the US government handles issues pertaining to Muslims at home, showing the pervasiveness of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism.
Obama faced a lot criticism during his presidency for both his actions and his own identities. Through his attempts at improving relations amongst global Muslim communities and the United States, Obama was accused of being a Muslim himself - despite repeated emphasis of his Christian faith. This was due to his repeated references of Muslim family members, his Arabic first and middle name, as well as his relationship with Muslim villages in Kenya.
Further, Obama’s use of drone attacks was incredibly controversial. In 2016, his administration dropped over 26,171 bombs on Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and extended the use of drones to outside of the declared battlefields of these regions to the majority-Muslim countries of Yemen and Pakistan killing many innocent civilians. In order to justify his spread of drone use Obama classified all males eligible for the military in these regions as enemies, therefore making them viable threats.
Simultaneous to these drone attacks, which many viewed as anti-Muslim sentiment, Obama hosted an iftar at the White House to connect with prominent U.S. American Muslim leaders. While many chose to boycott the iftar, others saw the dinner as an opportunity to talk to Obama, some of whom were grateful for the opportunity and praised him for it. The White House iftar serves as an example of Obama’s contentious leadership, without much widespread consensus on his actions.
Despite pledges to unite Muslims and Americans were notable, Obama was unable to follow through. Yet, although there were no immediate solutions to these problems, through his proclaimed tactics of positive engagement and mutual respect, former President Barack Obama attempted to solve dilemmas dividing the Muslim world and the United States. These domestic and foreign issues are complex; they cannot be solved over the term of just one President. While Obama tried to diffuse conflicts through peaceful objectives like negotiations and speeches, he faced many tough decisions in regards to what he felt necessary to preserve the safety of the United States. Overall, though he remains a celebrated leader to some and an enemy to others, it cannot be denied that Obama’s two terms as President of the United States led to legacy that that still affects us today.
Barack Obama: Campaigns and Elections
Obama and Black Americans: the Paradox of Hope
How America Changed During Barack Obama’s Presidency
President Obama Speech to Muslim World in Cairo
America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign
Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will
President Obama Celebrates Ramadan at White House Iftar Dinner
To the President’s Left: Some Reflections from the White House Iftar